Ep 12 - How to Poop Like a Pro.png

In this episode of Get Your Shit Together we chat about…

🧡 Poop myths you may have heard and what it means to be regular!

🧡 What to know about before you add fiber, prebiotics, or probiotics

🧡 Lifestyle tips to poop like a pro


Resources & Good Shit

What We’re Consuming

  • Adina is watching Hacks (HBO Max) and Season 2 of Dave (Hulu)!

  • Diane has major farsickness after watching World’s Most Amazing Vacation Rentals (Netflix).

  • Plan B (Hulu) is a sweet coming of age comedy following a straight-laced teen and her best friend on an adventure after a regrettable sexual encounter.

Other Good Shit

  • Do you have marker poops? Andy Dwyer from Parks and Recreation explains it here.

Want support getting your sh*it together?

Diane's signature nutritional therapy program guides you in healing your gut so you can balance your energy, hormones, and skin. Join the waitlist and get your gut health guide at www.rcrprogram.com

Connect with Adina:

Instagram: @adinarubin_ 

Website: www.adinarubincoaching.com 

Connect with Diane

Instagram: @dianeteall 

Website: www.diteawellness.com 

Root Cause Reset: www.rcrprogram.com


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Adina: 0:35

Hello and welcome back to another episode of the gyst podcast. Diane, what's going on over there.

Diane: 0:44

Hey, good morning. We're hydrated. We're satiated and caffeinated and we're ready to go.

Adina: 0:50

Raring up and ready to go.

Diane: 0:54

how are you?

Adina: 0:55

I'm a right. I've been better, but I'm okay. I had a, let's call it a reaction this weekend. A skin reaction, which I haven't had in a long time. And the reason I want to talk about it is because it took me a couple of days to come around to taking advice that I give my clients all the time. And so I think this is a good teaching moment. So not entirely sure what caused it. And we say this a lot. Like there's not one root cause there's many potential instigators sometimes.

Diane: 1:31

bucket, running runneth

Adina: 1:33

Exactly. So I'm certainly under some stress and it is very hot and humid here. And on Saturday, it was super hot and humid. And we went for a walk up a steep hill and my torso started to feel very warm and, uh, oh, is right. And then later in the day I was like, I think I have a rash. It wasn't itchy at any point. It was just warm like warm to the touch and it kept spreading and it was like creeping up my neck and then it creeped onto my face and it creeped onto my limbs. And it just felt very hot to the touch. It was at no point itchy, which is interesting. I

Diane: 2:16

no spicy skin. Is it like a sunburn feeling? I'm sorry, you're dealing with

Adina: 2:20

Yeah, it's okay. I was really frustrated in the beginning also because I was nervous. It was going to turn into like a full on eczema flare. And so the stress of like what might come was bad, but also like, I'm sure that made things worse, but I did want to say this for a few reasons. Number one, because the rash wasn't itchy at all, which is very interesting to me because I think that even though I still got a rash, I feel like because my metabolism has improved and because my histamine load has improved considerably, I feel like I like to think that this may have been way worse as far as just like itchy and uncomfortable, because I had that experience with mosquito bites too recently. I got a whole bunch of mosquito bites, which used to be like itchy for me four days. And they were itchy for a hot second. And then it was as if they never even happened. Like they completely, my skin resorbed them and that metabolism doing work. And again, that histamine.

Diane: 3:16

those suckers by the

Adina: 3:18

Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. There's a park near our house that we refer to as mosquito park, because it's like so swampy and the kids.

Diane: 3:25

A lot of sitting water, bird baths and things like that.

Adina: 3:27

Yeah. The kids love it, but it just gets so buggy in the summer anyways. So I like to think that because my histamine is lower, that may be that those itchies are down, which is so great. But also I think it's important because I was so frustrated when this first happened, thinking like my health is in such a good place. My sleep, isn't such a good place. My gut health, my cycle, like everything's been going so well, how did this happen to me? And I always tell this to my clients, but again, it took me a few days to get around this advice, which is. Healing is not linear. And just because we've been supporting our gut health and our hormones and our metabolism for 1, 2, 3 years, like think about the other 30 years I spent on this planet, eating crappy oils, taking Tums every day, tons of antibiotics, pharmaceuticals, like whatever else was going on, it takes us 30 years to get to this point or at 20 years, you know, wherever you're at. But thinking of all of the years that I spent suppressing metabolic function through all those various measures. And again, I didn't know any better, but it's just important to think about the picture of, we may think like I've been doing this for so long. How is this still happening? But recognizing three years in the grand scheme of my 30 year life, I think is

Diane: 4:45

yeah. And we didn't get to where we are overnight. So it takes some time. And I mean, we both were giving each other reminders this past week. I had some of my own setbacks challenges with my own health and felt frustrated. And it's funny that sometimes I think I'm above the rules, like this shouldn't happen anymore. But it was a good reminder too, that now I think we both experienced better bad days. I definitely talked to my clients about this. Like, and some of them were we'll reflect on our time together or even their past few years and think, wow, like my bad days, I experienced now where the good days that I hope for in years past. So I think it's important to reflect on that too. Especially when we're in the thick.

Adina: 5:27

Yeah. It's annoying when you have to like show up on stories cause you're in the middle of launching your program and your face is puffy, but it's okay. It's just, again, better bad days and something, a physical therapist who is a mentor of mine, always talks about his pain. Like it's interesting. When we look at pain, our movement protocol may not necessarily get you out of pain. But if you have some pain, but you're now stronger, you're in a better spot. Like if you were in enough pain that you couldn't even get stronger, that's a spot to be in. And then if you are now still experiencing some pain every so often, but now you're stronger through that movement pattern. That's still a win. And I think we need to reframe that for a lot of people, because for so long, it's like pain means everything's going wrong or I can't move at all,

Diane: 6:17

Or pathologizing it, like you said, I think on our last

Adina: 6:19

yeah. And, and same thing goes for skin rashes and anything else going on. It's just like, if you are still in a much better place, but this thing happened and maybe it's less severe and maybe it clears way quicker. Like in the past, this has happened to me. And then I was out for a couple of weeks where it would turn splotchy and itchy and dry and just keep going and. I don't want to say anything too soon, but it kind of feels like this came and went in like three days. So that's definitely progress.

Diane: 6:51

Yeah, I remember when we first connected you would have experienced those flares for a lot longer. And similarly, on the pain note, I was talking to you when I was going through it with a flare last week, I've been working through some neck back stuff, and this is a huge win. Okay. So I was going through a flare, but I did some imaging with my Atlas, orthogonal chiropractor went in, I think we're at like six or seven weeks in, um, to a treatment plan I'm doing with them. And he showed me my progress x-rays of my back. So I had, I discovered through going here that I had slight scoliosis perhaps from sharing room with my twin or who knows. Right. But he showed me how much my spine has straightened out since we started working together. And he's like, I didn't expect to see this from some, I usually only get these results from teen, with teenagers and definitely not this fast. I'm 31. By the way. And so we both were pleasantly surprised. He's like, you've held this really well. And we talked again, both the doctor and you too, about how important it is to not only to not just rely on one modality or to not just outsource your healing to one thing. It's but not one thing that gets you to where you are or one thing that gets you a better. Right. So I know that I've done a lot of work on food, lifestyle, stress management, sleep, And all of that has helped. I am sure of it. And in years past when I would experience a flare, it would be a few days or really take me out and then so have some, some pains and some setbacks, but also reminding myself that I've gone through so much and the body is very resilient and given the right circumstances and attention that it will try to correct itself. So I was just so pleased to see that progress. Was so happy to see that definitely made my

Adina: 8:40

Yeah, that's great. And again, when you mentioned this to me, we talked a lot about the role of like metabolism and strength and muscle in actually holding adjustment like that and how chiropractic and adjustments manual therapy is like, they can be helpful alongside a lot of these other things, but it shouldn't be your only resource. And I think it's very important that we share this with you, because we want you to understand that even though we have made so much progress in certain areas, Our lives may look unattainable. Like I know when I talked on the last episode about how I don't experience any cramps around my cycle anymore, like that can seem so far away, but I think it's important to realize that we are all on this healing journey. We're all at different stages in this journey. And some things are going really well for us. And there are some things that we're still sorting out and it's not that you sign up for our programs and 12 weeks later, your whole life will be perfect. It's, you know, it would be impossible for us to sell programs if we gave you the real honest truth about how healing works, but these programs are foundational to making these shifts and to setting you up for lifelong success. But there is work that needs to go into it beyond the scope of a 12 week program. And as you can see, like we've been doing this work for a while. There are always going to be setbacks. Like healing is not linear, but it's about how you show up when those setbacks happen and how you continue to support your body moving forward.

Diane: 10:13

Yes. I love that. And to better. Better, days ahead and better. bad days.

Adina: 10:19

Better, better, bad days.

Diane: 10:21

Yes. So what are you consuming? What are you watching over there?

Adina: 10:25

All right. So as we mentioned last week, Dave is back. Did you start yet?

Diane: 10:29

I didn't, I saw it pop up on Hulu, but I had some, my trash TV I had to work through

Adina: 10:33

Yeah. So we're not going to talk about it yet because no spoilers for Dave, but we watched the first two episodes in this house and still great. Still great little, you know, it's nice to see the gang again. Um, and that's all I'll say because it is going on right now and I don't want to spoil it for anyone that can.

Diane: 10:49

we need like a movie or TV show club,

Adina: 10:51

think this is it. I think this is our club.

Diane: 10:54

this is it.

Adina: 10:55

But outside of that, we started hacks, which is on HBO. It's Paul Downs as the creator, who he was a writer on broad city, if you enjoyed broad city. Um, yeah. So Paul Downs was the, he played that trainer at that like Abby, you know?

Diane: 11:13

Abby There's a pube situation.

Adina: 11:15

Exactly. That's Paul Downs. He's actually one of the writers of the show. And so he's the creator of this show and it's basically the story of an older female comedian. Who's been in the game for a really long time. She has like weekly shows in Vegas and starts to be phased out of her weekly shows in Vegas. And they suggest to her that if she gets a young female writer to help with her material, then it will improve her sets. And so. It's just a fun. I mean, the pilot was great. I don't have much more to say, cause we only watched one, but I trust Paul Downs and the chemistry was great in the first episode. And I love those stories of like one generation meeting a new generation and what they teach each other. So I'm looking forward to the rest of that season.

Diane: 11:59

fun. So I've been watching so much nice, fun, light stuff over here. One on Netflix, the world's most amazing vacation rentals because I have far sickness and the first episode goes through different places in Bali. We spent a month there. In 2019 and it was incredible, just absolutely gorgeous place, fresh food Bonnie's people are so welcoming and kind, it was such a fantastic time. And in this show, they have a unique rental, a luxury rental, and then there's one, that's a normally budget budget rental. So I'm in these places are really booking far out now after this show airs. So that was fun. And then, then another episode they go to Alaska and I saw that people were paddleboarding on a private lake and S paddling amongst salmon. So I immediately sent it to my friend mag. We were charter fishing together and we're like, we need to go to there. We need to have our salmon fishing experience. Because last time we just got trout still very delicious, but I am experienced I'm oh, I just can't wait to travel again with love to go to Southeast Asia. We are currently planning on my cousin's wedding in the Philippines. I've never been home to the motherland. So that's next April. And she's so adventurous. She and her fiance. So I know they have excursions plans. So we're stoked about that. And on another film, another movie note Plan B on Hulu is so cute. Have you heard of this movie? It's like a coming of age movie and their two

Adina: 13:32

Oh wait. Maybe I did.

Diane: 13:33

I didn't recognize any of the actors in there, but it's cute. It's funny. It's lighthearted. And there these two girls, I think they might be seniors in high school, sorting out their sexuality. And as the name suggests there is a little journey they have to go on after a party goes a ride, but they're just, they're so cute. And I just love seeing their friendship evolve over the movie, highly recommend. So that was on a Hulu.

Adina: 13:58

right. We'll look into it. on the food side of things, summer is in swaying and we are consuming berries and fresh whipped cream. You're so good. I think it's one of the most underrated snacks out there.

Diane: 14:14

Is that the berry you're getting

Adina: 14:15

I like it with strawbs we'll do some bloobs here and there, but do you remember when Minnie used to call blueberries when she was little?

Diane: 14:22


Adina: 14:23

is good. So my mom. Goes by Bubby. That's like her grandma's name. it's

Diane: 14:28

that's what I called Doug

Adina: 14:29

Yeah. It's Yiddish for grandma Bubby. So my mom goes by Bubby and when Minnie was little, she used to call blueberries blue Bubbies and she called strawberries straw blue Bubbies

Diane: 14:43

a good hybrid.

Adina: 14:44

is cute. So anyways,

Diane: 14:45

strawberry season going on there. We are in the middle. I think we're in the middle of ours right now. So we just went strawberry picking, um, and a couple of friends last Wednesday, like really early in the morning and I got nine pounds and I was jamming over here with my mother-in-law.

Adina: 15:00

jamming on your jam

Diane: 15:01

Yeah. So there's nothing like a fresh strawberry or just fresh in season, local fruit. I mean, we've all bought at some point strawberries or something from the store and they're white. They're really

Adina: 15:13

cardboardy they taste like cardboard.

Diane: 15:16

Don't have much flavor. So this is not that very delicious. And so I made strawberry jam. We have like 10 jars of that, but also made a strawberry ice cream with Graham crumble using Pamela's products. Gluten-free Graham crackers. So good. So I mix those up with some butter and then toast it in the toaster oven before adding it to the batch. But you want to make sure that you use roasted strawberries or something that's cooked down because strawberries have such a high water content you'll end up with something kind of ICR, sort of like a Popsicle. So the cook berries are ki.

Adina: 15:49

tip Diane. Great tip. And you know what? I don't love strawberry ice cream. but that looked really good. like that? got my mouth watering

Diane: 15:56

I don't normally go for strawberry ice cream either. I'm more of a vanilla person, but really like in connecting with my farmer's market and local farmers this year and last, especially with us being more at home. And I just have an appreciation for these fleeting seasons and flavors. It's so

Adina: 16:14

Maybe I just don't like strawberry ice cream. Cause I've only ever had those gross, artificial, that like bucket that has chocolate, vanilla and strawberry in it.

Diane: 16:21

Okay. Well, yeah, with the red handle that you

Adina: 16:23

Yeah. And it was like, if they're up to the strawberry count we out. So maybe it's that, but yeah, yours looked super Deloche. So anyways, today we want to do something fun and just read a couple of reviews from our podcasts. Cause you guys have been leaving such fun reviews and they warm our hearts and we're so happy to see them. So up first is a review titled love this, the person who left this review is C M S I Q.

Diane: 16:50

Oh, I think this might be.

Adina: 16:52


Diane: 16:53

I know

Adina: 16:54

well, why don't you read that? Read it aloud.

Diane: 16:57

And if this is you, thank you. Just a few episodes in, and I'm already loving this podcast. I appreciate that TV shows and movies are discussed along with topics like cycle syncing. Also, I've been this close to buying a Peloton, but the most recent episode has me putting that idea on hold. Looking forward to

Adina: 17:14

woo. Saving the world one unpurchased Peloton at a time.

Diane: 17:19

yeah, go ahead and take that out of your cart. Yay. Thank you for listening and hope we filled out your queue with some, some good things to watch.

Adina: 17:28

that makes me feel like we're doing what we set out to do, because we wanted people to not be quite sure if this was a comedy pop culture podcast or a health podcast. So we love it to hear that feedback.

Diane: 17:39

This next one from Casey. Sue says five stars. The total package.

Adina: 17:43

Ooh, I love that Adina and Diane covers so much related to fitness and nutrition in a well-rounded manner, noting that there is no one size fits all approach to wellness. They ditch the diet culture and help listeners understand the importance of food and workouts from a functional standpoint, not trends and aesthetics, their message and content is fantastic and makes learning about health fun. We did it. We did it. Diane.

Diane: 18:13

Thank you so much for taking the time to listen and to leave these reviews. We appreciate it so much and it helps us reach more women. So if you haven't already, and you've been enjoying the show so far, we would love it so much. If you would take the time to go to apple podcasts and leave us a review.

Adina: 18:30

Yeah, man. We love to read them. We love to get to know you guys a little better. So DOE it. All right. Let's get into the meat, the meat of this episode, so this episode is how to poop like a pro. We're going to go through some myths around poopin. We're going to talk about why we need to poop. Some recommendations you may have heard and some recommendations that might serve you a little better. So let's get into it Diane, why don't you kick it off with some poop myth bustin.

Diane: 19:01

oh yeah, let's do it. Gut health is our jam. And we know this is an intimate topic. I always say to clients like shared your comfort level, but we've heard it all. And so I know a lot of people might feel like this is taboo or have reservations talking about it, but everyone does it. Like literally there's a children's books that I think we all are familiar with called everybody poops. So,

Adina: 19:22

there's also a, is it a Sesame street song? I think that's like, you know, the, the birds and the bees song, that's probably about sex. And then They made a Sesame street song about poop where it's like even famous Kings and Queens do it. So we use the

Diane: 19:38

Yeah. Everyone shits or they should be doing it. So one of the, in speaking of one of the biggest things I hear when I talk to new clients is like, oh, well I'm regular. I go one like three times a week. That's regular for me. And maybe their provider, their doctor has told them, oh yeah, that's fine. And just moved on. But what we see as regular and what we want for you to,

Adina: 20:01

maybe their doctor never even asked them about that because.

Diane: 20:04

Yeah. and then I have like five minutes to talk to their patients. So yeah. So maybe you have it. You're just not sure what regular is, what we want for you to have is 1-3 easy poops a day, fully formed, no food in it, clean wipe now what Andy Dwyer from parks and rec calls a marker poop where he's like it just wipe and wipe.

Adina: 20:24

It's like wiping a marker.

Diane: 20:27

So one to three times per day, and if you're hearing this and like, whoa. Yes, that is, that is what we want

Adina: 20:34

yeah. So we often have clients who tell us they're not constipated. And then when we ask them to submit their food and mood journals, which we often start our work with clients with either they don't list a poop on every day of that journal. So they may not realize they're constipated or I've had this experience too. Have you had this where you have a client that you're doing gut testing with and they tell you that they're not constipated. And then you ask them why they haven't sent in their sample yet. And they tell you that they haven't pooped in three days because that happens a lot. And we may not know that we're constipated because we may not be paying attention to it in this way. But if you actually needed to write down every single day that you went to the bathroom, you might realize that either you're not going every day or you're going every day, but it's not easy to pass and it's not. A great poop. We have certain standards that we would define that as, but we like to use like the Bristol stool chart with our clients, but we have certain standards that will tell us whether or not that you are successfully pooping every day.

Diane: 21:37

right. Even I've seen food mood journals, or talk to new clients where they say, yeah, I'm not constipated. I go every day, but they're experiencing that marker poop. Like we were just saying with Andy, from parks and rec where it's not easy elimination or maybe there's straining, or you have those rabbit turds pellets. So again, something like the Bristol chart can show you visually what we're talking about, but even if you are going once a day, it might not be what we'd consider an ideal poop. So we're going to talk, I guess, in this episode, more about constipation and just busting myths around what it means to be regular. So if you take nothing away from this right now, we want you to be going once a day,

Adina: 22:18

Mm. At least once a day and we want it to be easy and satisfying.

Diane: 22:22

So why do we want this for you? Okay. You might think, all right. I need to go, but why is it so important and one of the biggest ones, especially for those of you who might have some irregular cycles or you have significant PMs, mood swings, difficult, PMs, right? I think often people don't realize the connection between their hormone health and their gut health. So this is one of the reasons why, like we talked about last episode, we don't go right To hormone testing or to try to troubleshoot solving your cycle. If you are not pooping every day, you are not eliminating things. So not only waste, but also sex hormones, your estrogen, excess estrogen is going to be, or should be eliminated through your poop. So if you're full of it, you're full of shit, literally that is going to be recirculated and reabsorbed into the body. And that's going to drive the estrogen dominance that we talked about in our last episode.

Adina: 23:14

yeah. So if you're thinking that you have all these period problems, but you're not pooping every day, that's the lowest hanging fruit. Like that's where we need to start.

Diane: 23:23

yeah, you get throw adaptogens, you get throw on exaggerates hormones and other things, but that's still going to be an underlying

Adina: 23:29

Yeah. And that's going to feed the problem if you're taking hormones and those are being recirculated too, like things are just getting wacky and worse in there. So that's a huge piece of it. And if you think about your digestive tract, this is something that I think blew my mind when I learned this for the first time that like your digestive tract. Is outside of your body.

Diane: 23:49

Yeah, it's definitely a tube from mouth to

Adina: 23:51

exactly. It's a tube from your mouth to your tail. So you put the food in your body. It goes through the digestive process. The things that need to be absorbed into the body, get absorbed through the gut and then everything else our body has a way of getting rid of pathogens and things that we come into contact with in our environment. If your digestion is strong, all that stuff is supposed to be moved right out. So if your gut health is funky and your digestion is not on lock, those things are hanging out in your gut, re-circulating into your bloodstream. And that is where we see a lot of these issues. Digestive, immune, hormonal.

Diane: 24:28

Yeah. Uh, last episode, we also talked about how we, even though we are trained in ordering sex, hormone testing, things like, and there are other tests out there. Dutch is just one that people seem to recognize when one reason we don't order those it's because there's so much that we can do in the gut. And the tests that we do use with our one-on-one clients can clue us into things that are going on with how you're eliminating your estrogen. Of course, there can be those telltale signs, like we've talked about those symptoms with difficult periods, but an under their intestinal health markers. Sometimes I'll see a beta glucuronidase marker. Very high. This is getting into the weeds a little bit here, but what you need to know, what that marker is that clues us into how your body is preparing estrogen to be eliminated through your stool. So when that's high, I'll often see with that client that they are constipated and that they are experiencing things like sore, tender, breasts, PMs, mood swings, hormonal headaches, and other things that we think of just as a hormonal issue. And you need to chase that down, but we need to back things up and make sure that you're not backed up. Literally, if you're

Adina: 25:34

she got there first.

Diane: 25:36


Adina: 25:37

Yeah. And that said too, this doesn't mean everyone needs gut testing right. Like, we do this with our one-on-one clients. If we feel like we've already laid the foundations with them, but this is why both of us start with our group programs with the foundational work that we can do. Because as you'll see in this episode, like there's a lot of stuff that comes first that comes even before the gut labs, like the gut labs in our mind come before the hormone labs. But there's a lot of stuff that comes with just supporting metabolic function and supporting better digestion that has nothing to do with the nitty gritty of what's going on in your gut. Like that's kind of phase two of, if we feel like we've laid a really strong foundation, why my program is called strong foundations,

Diane: 26:24


Adina: 26:24

but if we've done all that work and then we're still kind of curious about a few things, that's when zooming in to that gut work can be beneficial. We'll say it again. Not everyone needs labs. Like there's a lot we can look to before that if you are not pooping daily.

Diane: 26:43

Yeah, so many of the client case studies that I've shared on Instagram and my highlights in my feed are from women who went through root cause reset my foundational program because you have to be eating anyway. You have to be moving every day and sleeping. So if that stuff isn't dialed in, frankly, you're wasting your time. And I now at this point will not take someone on as a one-on-one client if they haven't done the root cause reset or something similar, because I'm all about maximizing resources. And I don't want you to waste your time or feel frustrated going into a deep protocol if you haven't done those basics. So yeah, we can say it a hundred times, but truly it is something that I encounter often in the DMS people seeking out or wanting These functional lab tests, but there are other things that would be more valuable

Adina: 27:29

Yeah, I think this is an issue with Dr. Google and Dr. Instagram now, which I think is more common for our demographic, but because so many women are educating on these topics on Instagram, which is awesome. Like it's, that reminds me of when they're doing the bedding episode of the office and Kelly Kapoor is describing how Netflix works. She's like, so I rented love actually, which is awesome. And then I rented it, which is also awesome. Anyways, tangent. It's awesome that these women are out there educating, and you feel like you're learning more about how your bodies work, but as we'll get into some of the things that are often looked at as like the first step, which we disagree, we think these things can be helpful, but they are absolutely not the first step. And they absolutely cannot come without these foundational supports. They don't work with when they are not alongside these foundational, the approach. How do sentences work? Um, they absolutely do not work when you are doing them without laying a strong foundation. First, I feel like because people are just sitting there and watching stories and ITV breakdowns of these deep dives, like on SIBO and on despite yeah.

Diane: 28:50

spoiler, most people have them encountered them.

Adina: 28:53

I feel like women are sitting there and thinking, oh, I need to do a parasite cleanse. I need to do a gut test. I need to do a SIBO protocol and not realizing that there's so much that comes first. Like how many times do people reach out to you and say like, am I too advanced for root cause reset? I feel like I'm too advanced.

Diane: 29:10

yeah. It's, you're

Adina: 29:11

Yeah, exactly. Like there there's so many pieces missing in this puzzle that we want to, we want to talk about a little bit today.

Diane: 29:19

yes. So let's get into, so some common solutions that are offered to people, perhaps from their PCP or through their research, they might think that they need to add these things in. And as with a lot of things that we cover, these might have a scenario where they're appropriate, but oftentimes we see them inappropriately used. The first one being prebiotics needing to add prebiotics to your routine. So prebiotics are, think of them as food for probiotics, the good bacteria that we do want, but we often see people overdo this one. Now, if your digestion, your metabolism are slow, adding this in can cause more of a mess and perpetuate some of those symptoms you're experiencing. So what I often hear is significant bloat, cramping, gas, constipation, and this is really trendy. I'm noticing in a lot of healthy foods, probiotics, prebiotics added to everything,

Adina: 30:16

It's kind of replacing the like iron fortification and stuff that we saw in the conventional space for a long time. Right. Thinking that if we just like tack on these nutrients, it'll solve all our problems.

Diane: 30:27

Mm. Hm. I'm seeing like prebiotic and probiotic, tortilla chips, chocolate, the CU, and then I turn it around and I already know it's going to be shit but then I turned it around and I'm like, okay, this is not going to survive to where it needs to go. And that's getting into probiotics, which we'll talk about in a second. But, there are some products that I do personally, like for the taste too, like ollipop. So you may have heard me talk about this. It is like a soda swap. It's a gut. I think they, they say gut health tonic. I found them actually through Instagram and love their team. They're awesome. I love that. It is a. Really delicious swap for conventional soda. So if someone is deep into Coca-Cola diet Coke, their vintage Cola flavor does taste really good. They do add fiber. They do add prebiotics to this though. So with that in mind, sometimes people will reach out to me. Like I saw you talking about Ollipop, so I tried it, but I got so bloated and maybe there are a few things happening there. I don't know about their function, their gut function what's going on. So that could be a factor, but also if they're going hard on it, so maybe they're approaching it like they would a can of soda and just slamming the whole thing and feeling very bloated, very uncomfortable. So things like prebiotic and probiotic drinks suggests going slow sharing it with a friend, perhaps, because you could just be adding a ton of prebiotics at one time. And that is just too much for you. And for that, your gut can handle right

Adina: 31:53

Right. Those kinds of things are going to depend a lot on what is going on in your gut. Like if you are overrun with dysbiotic flora. So if there's, uh, an imbalance in your gut bacteria and you currently have a low level of beneficial bacteria and a high level of opportunistic bacteria, or the gut baddies, there needs to be a balance there. And if that balance is significantly shifted, which happens to a lot of us from years of Tums, years of antibiotics, years of hormonal birth control, it's nothing to be ashamed of, but we do need to consider what we're introducing to that gut party. Because like we said, if metabolism is slow, Digestion is not moving along. Then. The things that you introduce are just going to hang out and ferment in there and cause you to just blow it up like a balloon instantly, when those things show up to the party,

Diane: 32:51

Yeah. I've often heard this from people in the DMS. Oh, I can't do a Kombucha which, a probiotic rich drink, right. Where I can't do that because I just get sick immediately. And so it's not that the food is bad, but what is the root cause that we need to support for you? And oftentimes that common denominator there is having low gut function and there's a cascade, a digestive dysfunction cascade that happens. You've heard us talk on past episodes about the order of operations here. Right. And if you are adding a bunch of food for it to these opportunistic bacteria, that is just going to throw that gas on the fire and you might bloat. Yeah. You'll blow it up. They're like, yes, thank you. I can thrive here. Like I'm already partying here with my friends and now we have all this food. And so it just, things can go around. You can feel really uncomfortable if you add in too much of this too fast.

Adina: 33:43

is how my brain works. I think because I talk about cartoons on every episode, but I am picturing the cutest cartoon of like a rugged bunch of opportunistic bacteria, just like slamming some beers and pizza in your gut right now, when you drink that prebiotic. So like we said, this is food for your gut and for your gut bacteria. And if your gut bacteria is imbalanced, then that is just going to feed the bad bacteria. So that is why oftentimes a lot of us will experience extreme, bloat and discomfort. When we introduce things like this, when it is not inappropriate, intervention for us at this time.

Diane: 34:19

I love that. You said you were thinking of cartoons. I was thinking something similarly, but let it's like this frat party that is just go running a mock and you're dropping off all these kegs for them. Like here, here's your pro prebiotic rich soda. And they're like, oh yeah.

Adina: 34:34

love it. I wish we had like a cartoonist listening who would just submit this in the DMS.

Diane: 34:39

Yeah. If that's you slide into our DMS, I like, can we go on a magic school bus ride? And you mentioned opportunistic bacteria. I know we've talked about this on other episodes too, but I think sometimes people think too much about good and bad black and white. Right. But we see opportunistic because we're always going to be encountering so many different types of pathogens, bacteria, viruses, parasites, but with bacteria, we just don't want them to be in an environment where they can thrive and where the things that are commensal or the good bacteria, we want them to be able to be present to, and to do things that we do. Like for us,

Adina: 35:14

Yeah. So this is one of the main reasons I think we'll get into probiotics a little bit too, but we oftentimes get DMS. Whenever we talk about digestive function that read what probiotic do you recommend? And we get it. We get that when you're hearing this information, you just want that solution, but I hope we kind of painted the picture for you of why we never give supplement recommendations in the DMS or even on this podcast, because it depends what is going on in your gut and what is going on with your metabolism. And we

Diane: 35:56

are recurring, like nutritional therapist phrase. It depends like, is this good for you? It

Adina: 36:01

It depends And we don't want you blaming your diarrhea on us in the DMS, as we've said before. So we really need to consider, like, I know you want that solution and you know, you need a probiotic and you just want to know what our recommendation is, but it may not be the appropriate time for you to introduce that.

Diane: 36:21

yeah, this one really fires me up. I do get this question a lot, especially about probiotics specifically from people who they might send me a brand that is doing heavy Instagram advertising, and they have sexy packaging. That's great. But then are those bacteria really getting to where they need to be? Are they just furthering dysbiosis that imbalance? Right. Sometimes even some gut health coaches side in my DMS, like what are you using with your clients? And y'all, it would be unethical and frankly, disrespectful for us to do this because we have clients who we do work with. But I digress. Anyway, we don't want you to experience a Herxheimer healing reaction, where you have diarrhea when you introduce these things in. And like Adina was saying. Probiotics are just one piece. And again, if you think of that order of operations that we talk about in nutritional therapy, I support clients in working mouth to tail or top to bottom, like your bottom, literally your colon or your large intestine. It's just that, It's that last stretch. So I like in this too, I think I talked about this on Instagram to us doing our bathroom renovation right now. And if you were to approach that with art, I'm just going to paint this, but you have a foundational issues. You have all these, like something leaking over here. You're going to end up with a mess later, or you're just going to further that dysbiosis and some of that discomfort. And you might be also inappropriately using probiotics as they're not all created equally,

Adina: 37:49

When you say that example, I think. If you are listening and you've lived in New York city, you know, this life when you're looking for a new apartment in New York city and the price is higher and it's advertised as a fully renovated apartment. And it's always just a cosmetic renovation. The bones of the apartment are still shit. And they just Strapped on a new faucet and put on some like fo wood floors and you think it looks beautiful and then you move in and The toilet seat falls out of the wall, which literally happened to us in our last

Diane: 38:20

oh God, or things are appealing and you're like, oh, we'll just paint

Adina: 38:24

exactly. Don't just paint over a terrible foundation.

Diane: 38:29

yeah, because you, I mean, we always want to think about again root cause why my program's called root cause reset. What else is going on further upstream so the common denominator is almost always low gut function. Um, maybe there is some healing that needs to happen, and those are those two things are often absent. I noticed from so many programs, unfortunately, and approaches both in the conventional and holistic space. So you want to make sure that you are supporting gut function and healing. Otherwise you're still going to experience that dysfunction in the large intestine in your gut microbiome, and what caused that to be a hospitable environment so what I do with clients and in root cause reset is to improve function and make sure that those gastric juices are flowing, that you are regular on the regular so that there isn't this bottleneck, bottleneck, bottleneck, of bacteria in that lower gut. And that dysbiosis that can cause all kinds of things like slow elimination or poor elimination or bloating, uh, foul gas, hormone imbalances, all these other things. I

Adina: 39:39

Foul gas is the clinical way of saying stinky farts.

Diane: 39:43

Yeah, I was going to clinically, like, if you're, if you're gassing out your partner or your other people in your household, we, we got to get some TLC in. Yeah.

Adina: 39:53

Yeah. And we see This a lot. With fiber as well, right? This is every GIS, favorite recommendation. And if you know, a GI who makes better recommendations, let us know, cause I'd love to refer clients there. But I had this experience growing up. I feel like I've talked a little bit about this, but I experienced some issues and I saw a GI when I was younger and they told me to just eat more fiber and drink more water. Yup. Just do that problem solved. And obviously I was not given any recommendations on what that fiber should be. So I used to just walk around with a Ziploc baggie of fiber, one cereal, the rabbit food, actual rabbit food, and. A bag of fiber, one cereal and some water. And I would just munch on that all day and sip on it. And I was like, huh, not getting any better. Huh? So strange. It was disgusting. It was so disgusting. I'm like my mouth is drying out. Just thinking about it.

Diane: 41:01

Metamucil. Was that what that is or is that no, that's the fiber supplement.

Adina: 41:05

that? I would put that in my water too. Just packets of Benefiber

Diane: 41:10

I remember there was an, I think it's a cookie from England called digestive biscuits and they had like added fiber to them.

Adina: 41:20


Diane: 41:21

Or, um, Weetabix and what else? My dad had this other cereal that he's, oh, it was so gross. It looked like a hash brown from far away, but then you realize it was like Wicker furniture basically. And you add milk to it. So disgusting. But yeah, fiber is such a common recommendation. I've had, oh, so many intake forms and food journals from clients where they were told to take that. And they were chronically constipated. I mean, even people who were going once a week, maybe once every 10 days and told to take fiber and gone on their way, but they didn't really notice an improvement and they were still so uncomfortable. And so like we were just saying with prebiotics and probiotics, it just really depends on what you might need. Like we were just saying with prebiotics, and probiotics, earlier, if you're just adding fiber, it just could sit there and ferment, especially if you already have that slow gut function that slow, digestive capacity. And that's just going to exacerbate the symptoms that you already have

Adina: 42:20

Yeah. If you just add a lot of roughage and leafy greens and. Cruciferous vegetables, which is another big recommendation. Those things can just ferment in your gut if things are not moving along. So we actually want to zoom out for a second and help you understand this picture a little better when it comes to your digestive function. We've talked a lot about how there is this north to south process, but also at the end of the day, it is going to depend on your thyroid function. I'm sure some of you have heard that, oh, if you have low thyroid function, then you it's commonly associated with constipation, but we want you to understand why your thyroid is like the. Power gland of your entire body. And it dictates what happens with your metabolism. So your metabolism is how all of your cells use the fuel that you provide them. If that is low and slow, not the good, delicious kind of cooking meat, if that is happening slowly, and that function is low, it doesn't matter how much fiber you eat. It doesn't matter how many probiotics you take. It doesn't matter how many prebiotics you take. It will all sit in the gut and not move along and it will make the problem worse. So what we really need to do is focus on optimizing things like thyroid function, metabolism, north to south approach, to increasing gut function. And even if you are suspicious, this, that you had a thyroid issue because of things like constipation, chronic fatigue, and you were told. Oh, you know, you're fine. Your labs look normal. I've heard this all the time in my DMS. my labs look normal. What do you think this applies to me? I have all the symptoms you listed, but my labs look normal. And so we want

Diane: 44:11

or your conventional labs.

Adina: 44:12

exactly conventional medicine. This is something you need to understand. Conventional medicine has a marker for normal. First of all, the thing they are measuring might not actually even dictate thyroid function to begin with. Like oftentimes when you suspect a thyroid issue, you're sent for TSH labs, which I'm not going to get into the nitty-gritty of the physiology here, but I like to think of TSH as more of a brain hormone than a thyroid hormone, because it's how your brain tells your thyroid what to do. So it's not the whole picture, like in order to see

Diane: 44:44

thyroid stimulating

Adina: 44:45

right. It's whether or not your thyroid is being stimulated. So we, we really want to.

Diane: 44:51

want to steer me?

Adina: 44:52

We, we want to look at other markers as well. Cause we want to know what's happening once that thyroid gets stimulated or not. We want to know, is that thyroid pumping out the hormones that it needs to be pumping out? Are those hormones then being converted into their active form or not? Are those active hormones reaching your cells or not? Like there's a lot more pieces to that puzzle. And then outside of that, oftentimes with conventional labs, they're measuring what they call quote unquote normal, but they're not measuring what we call optimal. So even if your labs look normal, if you feel like shit, don't accept that as an answer.

Diane: 45:27

yeah, it's unacceptable. Right? When people are like, I feel like garbage. Okay. My labs look normal, but I'm fatigued. My hands are cold. I can't poop, like have no libido and so on. So we hear that. Unfortunately often when people talk about their thyroid labs and their sex hormone levels.

Adina: 45:45

Yeah. So know that optimal thyroid function is necessary for moving things along for gut motility for your digestive system to work as needed. And so, and again, optimal thyroid function, not just normal, according to the one lab, marker that your PCP ran so ask more questions. Like I hope that this empowers you a little bit to view digestion in this larger scope and know that your constipation is not just a fiber deficiency or a probiotic deficiency and tacking those things on doesn't fix this systemic issue.

Diane: 46:21

I've said it before, but I don't know how so many GIS can sleep at night when they're like, yeah, just take Tums PPI's and fiber forever. Goodbye. Don't ask questions.

Adina: 46:29

Yeah. Like ask questions, please ask questions of your doctors, make them either admit to you that they don't know. How this function works and how to better support it, or make them admit to you that they need to refer you out to someone who has more time to sit with you and go over this. Like if a GI would recommend a nutritionist for me, that would be progress. You know, not just here's the one two-minute recommendation I give to every single person that walks in the door.

Diane: 46:57

yeah. Yeah. The answer isn't to add more of these things and move on, or to remove normative foods from your diet forever and ever, we want to support that root cause. And that is our jam. Now we're not going to get into specific supplements, but we want to just give you some things to think about here, As far as improving your poops, getting your shit together, literally. But on that note, let's talk a little bit about some lifestyle tips to poop like a pro this first one. Movement to get that movement going. So how does exercise and movement helps stimulate that BM

Adina: 47:39

So this isn't important in general movement is important. We have a whole lymph system that is really important for detoxification and our lymph doesn't really move it on, move on its own. We need to implement movement to get our lymph moving. So some people will utilize things like dry brushing that can be helpful. Some people will utilize things like rebounding. I know people love to just like jump up and down on a trampoline. it's like an amazing, yeah, it's an amazing stress release and it gets that lymph flowing, which is awesome. So, which is awesome. Awesome. I'm like, okay. I love those Kelly Kapoor soundbites that just repeat in my head. So yes, daily movement, walking, strength training. If you are not moving every day, don't expect your bowels to be moving every day.

Diane: 48:31

yeah, it's just sitting, sitting is the new smoking truly,

Adina: 48:34

yeah, And I see this a lot with people who have a very intense fitness regimen, but they don't move outside of it. So it's like, I go to my 55 minute spin class at the end of my long Workday, where I just sat at my desk for 15 hours. And then I go straight home from that and I sit on the couch for three hours and then I get into my bed. So

Diane: 48:54

I've been guilty there you've reminded me to do not only rebounding, but even when we were working together, one-on-one like, okay, maybe you don't have capacity to go to the gym, not feeling well or something. Let's do some kettlebell squint squattings squats or swings. I think I just made up a new exercise kettlebell

Adina: 49:12

we're going to see it on Instagram tomorrow, by the way, half the Internet's kettlebell swings look like kettlebell goings those like Squatty swings. Ooh,

Diane: 49:23

Ooh, ouchy Wawa. Yeah. So I'll break up my, um, break up, sitting at my desk for a while, by taking a lab, going outside outside of the dogs to get sunlight and some movement too. That's so important. So we don't get those tight hips and low back pain.

Adina: 49:38

Yeah, this actually reminds me of that office episode safety training where Daryl does that, like training about how to use the Baylor and the forklift. And then Michael is really mad that like his training is so boring because it's just Toby, Toby being like, you should try to get up from your desk every hour for yeah. For 10 minutes. And then you should also try it. Look away from your screen for 10 minutes every hour. And Michael's like, well, that really adds up a half hour every hour. And Darryl's like take them at the same time. So yes, every hour on the hour, take a lap around your desk, walk to the water cooler, do some kettlebell swings to open up those hips, do some squats, like think about infusing movement throughout your day. That can be a great way to get things moving along as well.

Diane: 50:31

This next one is especially helpful. If you have a tummy ache or if you are tending towards constipation and is abdominal massage. And I was telling Adina before we started recording, this reminds me of when I was a kiddo and my tummy would hurt. And my Lolo and my grandpa would say, oh, come here, we'll do it. And he'll do a belly massage. He would do a belly massage and say hurt,

Adina: 50:52

So cute.

Diane: 50:54

there's something to it, right? So what this is is abdominal massage is not long after eating. You would start at the lower right side of your belly and massage up your ribs and across your stomach. And then down, you're basically making a circle and then ending at your navel. And what this does is help stimulate your large intestine, train it to move that back. So I'm thinking of extreme home makeover with like, move that bus. I can move that poop.

Adina: 51:20

that poop. You can champ that. You can chant that while you do your abdominal massage. You're basically just tracing your ascending, colon and your descending colon to just kind of get things stimulated a little bit.

Diane: 51:31

Yeah. if you look at an anatomical view of your GI tract, that's mimicking that path that would have to take. So you're just literally helping move that along and that alongside movement, staying hydrated, making sure that you have a good gut function going on, which we can help you with, that will all help move things along.

Adina: 51:53

Also, we didn't put this on our list, but I do want to add here eliminating processed foods and inflammatory oils. We've said it before, and we'll say it again, but those things can actually slow down thyroid function, metabolism, and slow that gut function. So if you are constipated on the regular and you are still eating tons of processed oils and processed foods, that's something that can make a really big shift for you because it really does slow that metabolic function slows that digestive function.

Diane: 52:24

Yeah, I'm glad you mentioned that too. And I'd be remiss if I didn't also touch on this is conventional dairy and a lot of people will say, oh, dairy constipates me. And so they just remove it altogether. And if you missed our two episodes about dairy, definitely go and check those out. But dairy is not necessarily a problem. High quality dairy. Wouldn't be so much an issue here. But if you do experience constipation, when you have that again, want to look back at the root cause and how we can support your thyroid function and your gut function too.

Adina: 52:53

Yeah, but it could be a lot of those additives in the dairy that are just slowing things down your body. Doesn't really know how to process those. And so it's sort of an all hands on deck thing and your digestive function gets the backseat there. So that's important. And then something I really want to talk about these last few are more poop habits that can make a difference. If you do experience constipation and it leaves you with issues like hemorrhoids, anal, fissures, Other constipation related irritation that comes up. And so we want to talk about some poop habits and number one is diaphragmatic breathing. And I want to specifically talk about how to coordinate that breath because we see this all the time where people, first of all, I've said a million times. People don't know how to breathe, but when your diaphragm doesn't come down, With that inhale, the pelvic floor does not relax. And if your pelvic floor is clenched and tight and you are trying to push a poop out again, you are pushing against a concrete wall. And so that is when you can end up with a lot of those issues. And we all can think of, we may not want to, but we can all imagine that picture of someone who is just take like straining and holding their breath and pushing down. And that leads to a lot of this pelvic floor dysfunction. Yes. I am going to call hemorrhoids and fissures a pelvic floor dysfunction. What we need to be doing is taking a big inhale to move the ribs out to the side, relax the pelvic floor down. And when you feel that relaxation of the pelvic floor come down, that is when you would push down and exhale. And the point of this is to make sure that you are not breath holding and just creating a ton of intra-abdominal pressure against that concrete wall. We want to inhale, relax the pelvic floor down and then practice bearing down, pushing down with an exhale so that we are not creating a ton of tension. And we are relaxing a poop out as opposed to pushing against it and creating a lot of those issues.

Diane: 54:59

I was practicing while I was listening. And maybe you were too, and this is how we do, what do I call it? Power poop. That's how you do a power poop

Adina: 55:09


Diane: 55:10

up. Relax. I booty hole. Those are some good tips.

Adina: 55:15

that booty hole. You will hear us say this a million times. Inhale down, relax. The booty hole.

Diane: 55:25

Yeah, I knew we had to work in some, some poop, all kinds of poop jokes and butt jokes in here. I think I've said it to you Adina, but I'm like, my sense of humor is like a 12 year old boys, but also I think just comes with the territory. I was sending a data a real yesterday. I was like, is this too far for Instagram?

Adina: 55:42

Have I taken it too far?

Diane: 55:44

Yeah, it was poop related when she was like, well, that one's a little too far, but here we can get a little more intimate. I didn't

Adina: 55:49

Yes. I assume if someone pushed play on an episode called how to poop, Like a pro they're here for it. They're ready.

Diane: 55:56

they know this next one is a lifestyle solution, no shame. And putting this in your bathroom because this may make things easier for you. Okay. It is a Squatty

Adina: 56:08

No shame in our Squatty potty game.

Diane: 56:12

And why do we love this one? Okay.

Adina: 56:14

So just like we were just talking about, nobody teaches you how to poop. Like this is important when you use something like a Squatty potty, it puts our colon and our booty hole in a better position for pooping historically.

Diane: 56:27

that poop shoot. Doesn't it.

Adina: 56:28

Historically, we pooped like this. We used to squat in nature, and now our toilet seats are designed to just,

Diane: 56:36

like a chair.

Adina: 56:37

To cramp things down and close us off. And so if you're a person who has found that you got some relief from like shifting your hips around or rocking back and forth, think about anatomically, just setting yourself up for success, with something like a Squatty potty, or if you don't want to buy a Squatty potty, you can get a thing like a kids, a step stool, or even flip over a garbage can. If you're in a bathroom that doesn't have a Squatty potty, like set yourself up

Diane: 57:04

maybe you don't squat on the toilet. Cause that could be dangerous. But I'm seeing so many variations of the Squatty potty now. And funny story, I send one to my dad as like a father's day gift several years ago. And I thought that I included a note and it was, so it was kind of as a joke, but also my parents ended up loving it, I guess. But I sent it didn't have a note. And he was like, who sent me this? Because I think it was a little bit before father's day. I was like, where did this come from? But you're welcome. But truly, yeah, we don't sit. I mean, if you think about how you're sitting on a toilet, that's not how we would naturally move in nature. And I'm also reminded of this GIF. I saw of a pug, like pooping standing up this doesn't look very comfortable. So more you think into that squat position, the better you'll feel better elimination. Most likely this next one is a little bit more on the hygiene, but, uh, if you are feeling more constantly. You might be noticing that marker poop like our friend talks about. So this one is a bidet or specifically tushy. So this is one that if you don't have space for a day, can hook up a right to your toilet. Now, some backstory for this one to make sure that you go to their actual website, hello, tushy not tushy.com because if you do that and your computer, your big desktop computer is right by our window. Your neighbors will look in because they happen to be in their garden and think that you're just watching anal porn at 2:00 PM at your desk. It was very embarrassing. I, I C I X out of the window really fast. So hello, tushy is the website that you're looking for.

Adina: 58:47

clear of tushy.com

Diane: 58:49

yeah, unless, I mean, if you want to, I'm not young and you're young, but I was like, oh, my neighbors saw that. I think so. Hello, Toshi. They have hilarious branding. I'm going to. Their ad. I think I first found them through a Facebook ad. I'm going to link an ad in the show notes. It's so funny, but this attaches right to your toilet. And, uh, it's really easy to set up, I guess like Neil set it up. I didn't do it, but he said it was pretty simple. Yeah. It's really easy for someone else to set up, but um, clean your butts. I remember my friends when I studied abroad. Yeah. Italy, I'm going to sound like that person. I studied abroad. They were like, Americans have dirty asses you don't use bidets. You don't wash your ass. Like, so this can come in handy for that. But also maybe if you're on your dot, it's just a nice way to birdbath. Honestly.

Adina: 59:42

Yes. Get yourself a

Diane: 59:44

heard of this? Yeah. I mean, it's not, not sponsored, but if they want to sponsor us, they us can.

Adina: 59:49

tushy if you're listening, um,

Diane: 59:52

love Toshi and I'm not ready to move on. Yeah. Okay. And one more thing I want to say is be careful because there are two nozzles, like one to wash the nozzle and then one to turn it on and you just go really slow because I swear this thing would blast paint off the wall. Like it's cold. it's Aggresso yeah, it can. I mean, there's cold therapy. People talk about cold showers, but have you ever tried just like a cold blast right on your booty hole? Like

Adina: 1:00:15

That'll stimulate the immune system right

Diane: 1:00:17

will just that'll wake you right up.

Adina: 1:00:20

Um, and also post-partum mamas. This is a great thing to think about too. If you're bleeding, you're bleeding down there and we can clean you right up.

Diane: 1:00:31

Yeah. Tushy. So she's pretty amazing. And check it out. We'll link some, uh, funny videos from them in the show.

Adina: 1:00:39

Yeah. So, I mean, that's all I have. Do you have any other poop tips? You want to leave them with.

Diane: 1:00:45

yeah. On that note. No, I think we got into some, some good stuff here and I mean, we've truly heard it all when it comes to poop stuff, gut stuff. So we want to talk about things that we think are often absent from the conventional space and maybe things that you feel a little too nervous to talk

Adina: 1:01:05

Or even too nervous to Google. You're like, should I be looking this up? Um, I know I have this Do you have this all the time? I'm sure you have this where clients will lead with, especially in a group program. Like not sure if this is TMI, but.dot dot. And it's like, let's just drop all that. Leave the norms at the door because you need to know what's going on with your body. And we would like to help you. So this concept of am I giving too much information? Is this too taboo? Like this is our bodies. We should be able to talk about this. Yes. You don't need to go to a cocktail party and start talking about how you blasted your booty hole. But this is, this is a safe space for these conversations

Diane: 1:01:46

Right. If we can't talk about hoop, we can't be friends or work together. Cause that's a big piece I need to know about.

Adina: 1:01:52

amen to that.

Diane: 1:01:54

Oh. And if you would like some support, if you know that you have some shit, you got to get together, maybe things aren't moving the way you'd like, or you are experiencing some discomfort and other tummy Trubs this is our specialty, got health is my jam. Uh, because so many other it's a root cause that we want to support for so many things. So if that's you and you want some support, I would love to be in your corner and check. Root cause reset. That is my signature and nutritional therapy program that will help you heal your gut so that you can balance your energy, your hormones, your skin, and beyond and inside. You'll discover how to customize your program and use professional supplements. Okay. as well as how things are.

Adina: 1:02:37

tell you which probiotic to

Diane: 1:02:39

the word? Yes. After disclaimer. Yeah. And when I can support you more closely, none of this, like here, take this goodbye. Good luck and goodbye. I'm not about that. I walk alongside you there. So this is a course and program with support built in. So in the course material, you'll discover how things are supposed to work in your body, what your symptoms are telling you. So those messages that they're sending and then how to support those symptoms and support the root cause the nutritional therapy way. So if you liked the taste of things that we've talked about, here we go much deeper in this program. And then as far as support, if you have questions or you need to. You have me on demand as your NTP and your hype woman in a private student community and on group coaching call. So it's so much fun and you'll be joined by some incredible women in this program. So if that's something that you're interested in, I'll link the link to the wait list. So you can learn all the details, see a sneak peek of what it's like to work together and get some other tips and trainings that I don't share anywhere else. You'll also know when enrollment opens a first

Adina: 1:03:46


Diane: 1:03:46

root cause reset.

Adina: 1:03:48

Yeah. If you listen to this podcast and you love it and you're like, they're talking directly to me and you just want to know more and you want that support. Diane's your gal. She's great. You're going to love it.

Diane: 1:03:58

yeah, we have a lot of fun in there. So we'd love to support you and cheer you on, but in the meantime, or until next week. Hope that you keep things moving and get your shit together.

Adina: 1:04:11

And clean that booty hole. Okay. Bye.

Diane: 1:04:16

toot toot beep

Adina: 1:04:17



